Business & Personal Change
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Sharing what I've learnt and some of my ideas and perspective on things.
Want better teamwork and relationships? What can you learn from how people work?
The NLP Communication Model...probably the most useful thing I've ever learnt
Are you acting ‘on purpose’?
What do you need?
Stepping up to the leadership journey - how to accelerate your leadership potential
Getting on with different people - 4 differences that regularly cause issues
3 good reasons to develop your relationship skills, and an approach to help you do that
OPA! A simple model for successful change and goal achievement
3 steps for creating a well defined, achievable goal
Letting go of Guilt
Letting go of Fear and Anxiety
Letting go of Anger and Hurt
Negative Emotions - core learning that helps me let go of them
5 step process for dealing with negative emotions
The ABC of Stress Management
The Relationship between Performance, Challenge, Stress and Burn-out
Change perspective to unlock potential
You get what you focus on, so make sure you focus on what you want!
Why do I now have regular coaching? Simple. I get better results faster and easier!
I’ve been a bit sad but that’s OK. Perhaps what I learnt about sadness will help you too?