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Questions and answers

  • Are your services delivered in person or remotely?
    Whatever suits you the best! The default is remotely via video call but individual coaching can also be done via audio call or in person. Any costs incurred to deliver in person sessions are additional to the cost of the session.
  • What's the difference between coaching, therapy, consulting, mentoring and training?"
    My opinion (and there are plenty more out there in the world) Therapy is focused primarily on addressing the past in order to resolve what happened and so create a different future. Coaching is focused primarly on the present and future but may address the past to facilitate change. The coach doesn't advise what to do but may offer other perspectives to encourage different thinking. Consulting is sharing knowledge and experience, providing advice and guidance and working in partnership to take action toward a particular outcome. Mentoring is sharing knowledge and experience with someone, offering advice and guidance and discussing what the person might want to try in a specific scenario. Training (including workshops and talks) is about sharing knowledge and different ways of doing things. Providing the participants with an opportunity to experiment and learn. Research shows that the impact of training can erode over time and follow up coaching is recommended as it will ensure the learning is embedded and will maximise the return on your training investment.
  • How much do you charge?
    Please contact me to discuss. My rates and charging units vary depending on a number of factors including location/remote, the service being provided and the specific circumtances for each client.
  • The 'Develop for Change' page doesn't include the topic I want to focus on. Can you help me?
    Yes, probably! Please contact me if you would like a free, no obligation chat about your topic and how I could help. If I don't think I'm best placed to help, then there is likely to be someone in my network who I will recommend.
  • What's the structure of your coaching sessions for individuals, teams and organisations?
    Individual Coaching The number, duration and frequency of the sessions you have will depend on what you are looking to achieve and how quickly you want to achieve it. Think of it like looking after a car. Sometimes you need a quick fix, sometimes there's a bit more work to be done and sometimes you just need a regular check up to keep things ticking over well. Sessions are generally 45-60 minutes, 2-5 weeks apart with 3-6 sessions normally needed to establish new patterns of thinking, feeling or behaving. Group Coaching A group consists of a maximum of 8 people who want to focus on a particular area or who are facing similar challenges. Group coaching sessions are generally 75 minutes long. Team Coaching Team coaching sessions are between 1.5 and 3 hours long with 2 coaches present. Before a team coaching engagement we recommend an individual coaching session with each member of the team. This allows us to get to know each member of the team, and for established teams, it allows us to get their insight on team strengths and areas we might focus on in the team sessions.
  • What happens in a coaching session?
    You are likely to do most of the talking! You decide what you want to focus on and what you want from the session. We’ll explore what you are experiencing now, what you want and together we’ll figure out how you might best achieve that. I may challenge you or ask you to consider different perspectives to help you figure out how you can make progress quickly and easy. We may both take notes during our session and can compare notes at the end so that you can decide what to take forward as ‘personal guidelines’ and useful insights. Any notes I take are kept safe and only used for the purposes of informing our future coaching conversations.
  • How do I prepare for a coaching session? What sort of things can I discuss?
    You can discuss anything that’s on your mind. Nothing is off limits. You just need to have thought about what you want to discuss by the time we start and where you’d like to get to by the end of the session and/or at the end of a number of sessions. When I have a coaching session, I ask myself ‘what’s the one thing in my life or head right now that if I changed it would make the biggest difference to me’ and I start there. The Develop for Change page includes the sorts of things I typically coach on but I have experience of many other things and am not limited by that list. These Coaching case studies give examples of how coaching has worked for some of my clients.
  • Do I have to share the content of my memories with you?
    You don't HAVE to share the details of your memories with me however, my observations are that The Rapid Transformational Therapy process is much easier and quicker if I can talk to you about what's going on in the memories you visit. With Time Line Therapy, it doesn't generally matter if I know the content of your memories or not. If you can't resolve what's going on in a memory, then knowing the rough gist of the situation helps me to ask questions that allow you to resolve it without sharing the detail. It's only if that doesn't work that you will need to share more details. And that's rarely the case.
  • What if the memories that caused my issue are painful?
    As part of the Therapy Process, you have to go back to memories that caused your issue, understand how they caused your issue and un-learn what you learnt. By definition, the memories that cause a problem for you are likely to have anger, sadness, fear or guilt attached to them. However, in both Time Line Therapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy, you are only reviewing the memories for a very short time, in an objective and detached way. You are just reviewing them to gain a better understanding of what was going on and the effect it had on you. After that, the process is all about letting go of negative emotions attached to the memory. The process is surprisingly quick. Afterwards you will still be able to recall the memory but the meaning will be different and it will be ‘emotionally flat’. It won't cause the same level of emotion when you think of it again.
  • I've seen stage hypnosis. Will I do anything you tell me to do in trance, like people do there?"
    Because all hypnosis is actually self hypnosis, you won’t accept a suggestion in trance that really isn’t OK for you. That goes against your very core. This sheds a different light on stage hypnosis doesn’t it? If you accept a suggestion to act like a dog in front of a big audience, then deep down that’s OK with you, it’s no big deal. When hypnosis is used in a therapeutic way, the only suggestions that are made are good ones so they are accepted easily.

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